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Faculty Committee on Equity and Inclusion


The Faculty Committee on Equity and Inclusion identifies, and shares with the Senate, effective approaches to cultivating a culture of equity, inclusivity, and respect that enhance the success of all faculty within a pluralistic context. It will alert the Senate to issues on campus that require attention, and will make recommendations for how the Senate can be helpful in addressing these issues, in collaboration with the Provost’s office and the Provost’s Diversity Committee. This committee will work with the Senate Executive Board to plan and implement two mini-retreats a year (one in the fall and one in the spring) that aim to enhance campus climate at USC. Topics might include how to better recruit, retain, and support a diverse faculty; how to achieve more gender equity in STEM fields; or how to help faculty to have difficult dialogues about culture in the classroom.

Specific Charge for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) education is central to USC’s mission and one of our unifying values. Building on the recommendations in its 2023-24 report, the Committee on Equity and Inclusion will work with School Deans, Faculty Councils and senior DEI administrators to ensure that faculty across the university have access to a repository of excellent resources to help them integrate DEI into their courses.

Meetings: Contact committee chair for the date/locations of the committee meetings.


No photo description available.

Alisa Catalina Sanchez,, Dornsife College

Naomi Warren

Naomi Warren,, Marshall School of Business

Committee members


Spring 2019 Campus Climate Presentation and Lunch

Photos by Artineh Samkian
