Contribute to Senate and University Committees
The Academic Senate regularly appoints task forces and committees to review issues of importance to the university. Faculty members are encouraged to contribute their knowledge and expertise to this work. Please contact the Academic Senate Office for consideration for future committee assignments and volunteer for committee service in the Provost’s annual call for faculty self-nominations.
Participate in Your Unit’s Faculty Council
Faculty Councils are forums for faculty decision-making at the level of each individual school and unit. Representing their department, school or college through involvement in these councils is an important contribution faculty members make to help shape university policy and to promote the well-being of the faculty.
Attend Academic Senate Meetings
Academic Senate meetings are open to all faculty members and take place typically from 2 to 4PM on the third Wednesday of each month, September through May. Attending these meetings is a unique opportunity to become acquainted with the Senate and with senators representing faculty from the various schools and departments at USC. Senate meetings are held in a hybrid format, and faculty are free to attend via Zoom or in-person (typically in DML 121).
Read the Faculty Newsletter
The Faculty Newsletter is a digital publication produced by the Academic Senate. It features the major issues before the faculty and those that affect academic life at USC. Make sure to sign-up for the newsletter.
Visit this site
Academic Senate website contains the latest information and archives on senate activities, including the Academic Senate blog. If in doubt, visit this site.
Contact the Academic Senate Office
Email or call us at the Academic Senate office with any inquiries or questions.