The core members of the Committee on Finances and Enrollment are the officers of the Academic Senate, who are elected by the faculty-at-large and serve as Committee members during their overlapping two or three year terms of office. If additional or replacement members are needed in any year, they are selected by the Senate Executive Board, which itself is elected by the faculty-at-large. Committee members must always include both tenured faculty and research, teaching, clinical or practice faculty, and both full and part-time faculty. The Committee co-chairs are the President of the Faculty and the Senior Advisor to the Provost (who is a non-voting consultant to the Committee.) To assist the Committee, University officials who deal with finance and enrollment management may attend meetings as non-voting consultants.
The Committee plays a crucial role in determining central policies of the university about university-level finances (e.g., net tuition, income and expenditures, etc.) and university-level enrollment management (e.g., size, scope, and make-up of the university’s student body). Consistent with principles of shared governance and collegiality, the University depends on faculty professional judgment through this Committee to formulate and apply crucial policies in the interests of the University as a whole, relying on the faculty’s undivided loyalty to the mission and goals of the university. On matters for which the Board of Trustees has fiduciary responsibility, the Committee makes a recommendation to the Trustees through the Provost; on other matters it makes its recommendations to the Provost. (For health sciences schools, recommendations are made to the Senior Vice President for Health Affairs.) While the Committee does not have final authority, it has been routine for its recommendations to be effective. It has previously made effective recommendations on significant policies such as the annual tuition rate, the annual payout rate for the endowment, whether to maintain a holistic review process for undergraduate admissions, and addressing graduate student enrollment on a university-wide basis. If it ever appears necessary that a committee recommendation has to be vetoed, the Provost (or Senior Vice President) will consult with the Committee.
Meetings: Contact committee chair for the date/locations of the committee meetings.
Rima Jubran (Co-Chair) –
Marty Levine (Co-Chair) –
Committee members
- Margo K. Apostolos,, Kaufman School of Dance
- Andrew Campbell,, Roski School of Art and Design
- Kristian Carlson,, Keck School of Medicine
- Christine El Haddad,, Marshall School of Business
- Royel Johnson,, Rossier School of Education
- Clifford Neuman,, Viterbi School of Engineering
- Herb Perlmutter,, Leventhal School of Accounting
- Lorraine Turcotte,, Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Ex Officio Members
- Erik Brink,, Senior Vice President, Finance, and Chief Financial Officer
- Tim Brunold,, Dean Of Admission and Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services
- Greg Condell,, Vice President of Finance
- Mark Todd,, Vice Provost for Academic Operations