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Faculty Environment & Employment Committee


The Committee on Faculty Environment and Employment monitors the environment in which faculty of the University carry out their responsibilities.  The committee may recommend to the Academic Senate steps for improving the faculty environment in areas such as: the basic terms of faculty employment, faculty compensation, fringe benefits, retention, faculty contracts, office and laboratory space, parking, and other facilities on which faculty rely.

Meetings: Contact committee chair for the date/locations of the committee meetings.

Specific Charge for 2024-2025 Academic Year

The committee will research best practices in the peer review of teaching at USC Schools and at other universities and propose a few models that are 1) meaningful and helpful to faculty, 2) effective, 3) practical (i.e. can be done in a reasonable amount of time and effort), and 4) customizable for use by faculty at all USC schools. The Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET) will work to provide the resources needed to implement and support the proposed models at USC Schools.


Jenifer Crawford | USC Rossier School of Education

Jenifer Crawford,, Rossier School of Education

Renee Smith-Maddox

Renee Smith-Maddox,, Dworak-Peck School of Social Work

Committee members

Ex Officio Member

Ginger Clark, Associate Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching,, Rossier School of Education


Mid-year report

2015 – 2016 FEEC Recommendations