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Committee on Deadlines and Leaves


The Committee on Deadlines and Leaves reviews and gives its recommendations on requests to change a probationary deadline based on special circumstances experienced by an individual faculty member. This committee serves both tenure track and non-tenure-track faculty working under an up-or-out policy. When a non-tenure-track faculty member does not accept a decision from his/her dean to stop the clock, the Committee gives its review and recommendations to the University President. Unresolved questions concerning what prior service must be counted towards the probationary period, as well as appeals as to the grant or denial of a sabbatical or other research leave shall be directed to this committee for its review and recommendations to  the University President. If a case involves a non-tenure-track faculty member, the Committee will include non-tenure-track faculty of the rank of Associate Professor or above, as well as tenured faculty.

Meetings: Contact committee chair for the date/locations of the committee meetings.


Anthony Dukes,, Marshall School of Business

Kathleen Wilber,, Davis School of Gerontology

Committee members