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Senate Nominating Committee


Bylaw 10: The Nominating Committee consists of the President of the Faculty, the Academic Vice President, and two other members of the current Executive Board, together with four other Academic Senate members who are not a member of the Executive Board. The method for choosing the Nominating Committee is prescribed in the Standing Rules.

Bylaw 11: The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of at least two candidates for each office for which there will be an election (i.e., the Academic Vice-President, the Administrative Vice-President, the Secretary General, and each position of Member at large of the Executive Board.) The Nominating Committee may not nominate any of its members. Additional nominations for an office are permissible with the signed endorsement of a minimum of five supporting Academic Senate members and prior agreement from the nominee that the individual will serve if elected. Additional nominations for Executive Board officers (i.e. Academic Vice President, Administrative Vice President, and Secretary General) are permissible with the signed endorsement of a minimum of twenty supporting faculty, with no more than ten of the endorsements being from any one school. Prior agreement from the nominee that the individual will serve if elected is required.  Each faculty member can only endorse one faculty nominee for each Officer position. Additional nominations for Member At Large positions are permissible with the signed endorsement of a minimum of ten supporting faculty, with no more than five of the endorsements being from any one school.  Prior agreement from the nominee that the individual will serve if elected is required.  Each faculty member can endorse a maximum of four faculty nominees for Member-At-Large positions. Nominations shall be submitted in the manner, with the information, and within the deadlines, prescribed in the standing rules.

Write-In Noms Form 2019

Bylaw 17: Standing Rules

  1. Choice of Nominating Committee.  The Executive Board elects two of its members to the Nominating Committee.  The Academic Senate elects four of its members to the Nominating Committee.  Candidates for the Academic Senate positions on the Nominating Committee are nominated by one or more Academic Senate members, either from the floor at the third Academic Senate meeting of the school year or by a signed, written nomination delivered to the Academic Senate office two weeks prior to the third meeting.  They are elected at the third meeting.
  2. Additional nominations.  The Nominating Committee shall propose a slate of officers of the Executive Board for the next year.  As prescribed in Bylaw 11, additional nominations are permissible with the signed endorsements of five Academic Senate members and prior agreement that the nominee will serve if elected. Additional nominations for Executive Board officers (i.e. Academic Vice President, Administrative Vice President, and Secretary General) are permissible with the signed endorsement of a minimum of twenty supporting faculty, with no more than ten of the endorsements being from any one school. Prior agreement from the nominee that the individual will serve if elected is required.  Each faculty member can only endorse one faculty nominee for each Officer position. Additional nominations for Member At Large positions are permissible with the signed endorsement of a minimum of ten supporting faculty, with no more than five of the endorsements being from any one school.  Prior agreement from the nominee that the individual will serve if elected is required.  Each faculty member can endorse a maximum of four faculty nominees for Member-At-Large positions. The calendar prepared by the Academic Senate office shall state the date by which such nominations must be received.


Rima Jubran,, Keck School and CHLA

Committee Members