Executive Board Members
- Ginger Clark, President of the Faculty, ginger.clark@usc.edu, (213) 740-3479
- Paula Cannon, Academic Vice President, pcannon@usc.edu, (323) 442-1510
- Rebecca Lonergan, Administrative Vice President, rlonergan@law.usc.edu, (213) 740-5599
- Ange-Marie Hancock, Secretary General, ahancock@usc.edu, (213) 740-6998
- Ruben Davila, Member at Large, Rdavila@marshall.usc.edu, (213) 740-5005
- Donna Elliott, Member at Large, delliott@usc.edu, (323) 442-2553
- Nick Stoubis, Member at Large, stoubis@usc.edu, (213) 740-6926
- Clay Wang, Member at Large, clayw@usc.edu, (323) 442 1670
- John Silvester, Immediate Past-President, silvester@usc.edu, (213) 740-9730
Administrative Team
- Connie Roque, Coordinator, Faculty Services, croque@usc.edu, (213) 740-7169
- Balkrushna Kankotiya, Administrative & IT Assistant, Academic Senate, kankotiy@usc.edu, (213) 327-6005
Academic Senate Committee/Task Force Chairs
- Alison Trope (Co-Chair), Campus Climate, trope@usc.edu, (213) 740-3951
- Jody Armour (Co-Chair), Campus Climate, jarmour@law.usc.edu, (213) 740-2559
- Ron Ben-Ari (Chair), Faculty Employment and Environment, rbenari@usc.edu, (323) 226-7556
- Ashley Uyeshiro (Co-Chair), Faculty Employment and Environment, uyeshiro@med.usc.edu, (323) 442-3340
- Sandeep Gupta (Chair), Faculty Handbook, sandeep@usc.edu, (213) 740-2251
- Jessica A. Parr (Co-Chair), Faculty Handbook, parr@usc.edu, (213) 821-6614
- Steve Bucher (Co-Chair), Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, sbucher@usc.edu, (213) 740-3094
- Ayse Imrohoroglu (Co-Chair), Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, ayse@marshall.usc.edu, (213) 740-6518
- Jeffrey Chisum (Co-Chair), Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Affairs, chisum@usc.edu, (213) 740-1980
- Els Collins (Co-Chair), Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Affairs, ecollins@usc.edu, (213) 821 4034
- Bryant Danner (Co-Chair), Part-Time Faculty Committee, dannerbc@aol.com, (818) 790-5385
- Linda Hoffman (Co-Chair), Part-Time Faculty Committee, ljhoffma@usc.edu, (213) 740-3255
- Robert Labaree, Senate Historian, labaree@usc.edu, (213) 740-5824
- Jeremy Kagan, Sustainability Committee, ainsof18@gmail.com, (914) 413-0318
- Ann Crigler, Task Force on Distinguished Faculty Service Award, acrigler@usc.edu, (213) 740-3168
Academic Senate/Provost Committee Chairs
- Charles Gomer (Chair), Deadlines and Leaves, cgomer@chla.usc.edu, (323) 361-2335
- Ruth Chung (Chair), Teaching and Academic Programs, rchung@usc.edu, (213) 740-3258
- Julie Tilson (Co-Chair), Information Services, tilson@usc.edu, (323) 442-1281
- Brian Shepard (Co-Chair), Information Services, brian.shepard@usc.edu, (213) 821-1575
- Gisele Ragusa (Chair), Libraries, ragusa@usc.edu, (213) 821-3147
- Oliver Mayer (Co-Chair), Libraries, omayer@usc.edu, (213) 821-1545
- Yaniv Bar-Cohen (Chair), Research, ybarcohen@chla.usc.edu, (323) 361-8637
Senate Representatives
Annenberg School for Communication
Glorya Kaufman School of Dance
Marshall School of Business
- Sampath Rajagopalan, raj@marshall.usc.edu, (213) 740-0193
- Miriam Burgos, miriam.burgos@marshall.usc.edu, (213) 740-4829
School of Cinematic Arts
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- Darren Ruddell (president), druddell@usc.edu, (213) 740-2845
- Jeffrey Chisum (vice president), chisum@usc.edu, (213) 740-1980
- Farida Habeeb (secretary), fhabeeb@usc.edu, (213) 740-1980
- Wiebke Ziebis, wziebis@usc.edu, (213) 821-1198
- Alison Renteln, arenteln@usc.edu, (213) 740-3248
- Bob Girandola, girandol@usc.edu, (213) 740-6151
- Ed Mc Cann (alternate), mccann@college.usc.edu, (213) 740-5169
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry
School of Dramatic Arts
Rossier School of Education
Viterbi School of Engineering
Roski School of Fine Arts
Independent Health Professions
Davis School of Gerontology
Gould School of Law
Keck School of Medicine
- Rima Jubran, rjubran@chla.usc.edu, (323) 361-5639
- Andre Ouellette, aouellet@med.usc.edu, (323) 442-7959
- Suzanne Palmer, spalmer@usc.edu, (323) 442-8541
- Rick Paulson, rpaulson@med.usc.edu, (323) 226-3026
- Claire Templeman, templeman_c@ccnt.usc.edu, (323) 226-3421
- Richard Watanabe, rwatanab@usc.edu, (323) 865-3903
Thornton School of Music
School of Pharmacy
Retired Faculty Association
School of Social Work
School of Policy, Planning and Development
USC Libraries