The Committee on Academic Senate History will examine the history of the Academic Senate over time, and will identify and record the role of faculty in the governance of the University. It will work with Senate Presidents at the beginning of their term to examine whether and how the goals of each President have been addressed by past Senates, so that effective strategies can be identified and work is not duplicative. This committee will provide a brief report on the impact of the Senate activities on the governance of the university each year, as well as how the work of the current Senate has built upon or related to the work of Senates past.
Specific Charge for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
The History Committee will locate all Academic Senate historical documents (paper and digital), organize them, and make sure they are preserved and accessible. The committee will also draft a record retention and preservation policy for the Academic Senate.
- Robert V. Labaree,, USC Libraries
Executive Board Liaison
- Clifford Neuman,, Viterbi School of Engineering
Ex Officio
- Jessica Gambling,, University Archivist and Records Manager
- 2020-21 Faculty History Commitee Final Report
- 2019-20 Faculty History Committee Final Report
- 2018-19 Faculty History Committee Final Report
- 2017-18 Faculty History Committee Final Report
- 2016-17 Historian Committee Final Report
- 2015-16 Historian Committee Mid-Year Report
- 2015-16 Historian Committee Final Report