Committees are crucial to the function, reach, and impact of the Academic Senate. Below are links to all of the 2019-2020 Academic Year committee reports that were generated, which represent countless hours and enormous effort by various faculty from across the University.
Any Senate committee report will also be listed on the respective committee’s website. If you have questions, comments, or ideas after reading any reports, please do not hesitate to contact the respective committee chairs or members of the Senate Executive Board.
Academic Senate Committee Reports
- Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
- Faculty Environment and Employment
- Part-Time Faculty Affairs
- Research, Teaching, Practice, & Clinical (RTPC) Faculty Affairs
- Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty Affairs
- Faculty History
Joint Provost/Senate or University Committee Reports
- University Libraries
- Information Services
- Teaching and Academic Programs
- University Research
- Campus Climate
- Oversight Committee on Athletic Academic Affairs
Special Reports
To read more about why Senate committees are vital, what purpose(s) they serve, and how they are staffed, read this article.